Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Cracking windows Password

The other day a lady called me up, because she got locked out of her computer, she had forgotten her password.
Someone told her, I am a computer genius and could crack the password in less than five minutes. But the truth is I couldn’t crack my name if it was written backward. I wasn’t going to tell her that though, because I knew what to do.

On most windows xp computer the administor’s password aren’t set during installation, so let us assume that it it’s so with the computer you’re on.

Turn on your system and just before the windows xp logo comes up, hit the F8 key button twice. You’ll see a list of options, use the arrow key to move the highlight to your choice, press the enter key to choose.
Windows then proceed to boot into safe mode, you then see a message box stating that window is running in safe mode… to proceed to work in safe mode, click yes. Click yes.

Once log in to safe mode, go to Start, Control Panel, and User Accounts.
On the User Accounts screen, select the account you want to modify and select the remove the password option. Follow the prompt, restart your computer and login without the password.
I’ll leave cracking or hacking windows password to the real geeks and hackers. If the administor’s password is set, then that’s another story, email me for that.

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